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ZJY released Premises Distribution System

C114, China's Communication Portal (Chinese Version) 

Date: 2009-03-26

Shenzhen ZJY Patent City Co. Ltd. has initially released the Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) Premises Distribution System in the World, after their previous succession in investment for communicational POF production line and "100Meter - 100Mbps Access Network System". It is more cost-effective than the Network formed by copper cable and glass fiber.

POF competes with copper wires, coaxial cables and glass optical fibers, providing a lightning proof, secure,  soft and easy for bending, high tolerance to electromagnetic interference condition, which can even be installed next to electrical cabling. POF can be easily cut into the right length and self installed by end users. Builder, premises distribution system provider, system maintenance department and consumer will gain significant profit from a fast, flexible and easy installation.

        ZJY's POF Premises Distribution System is a new generation product for short distance data transmission. It is the ideal for broadband access and actualizing All-Optical Network, that has features like energy saving, easy to deploy, secure, low manufacturing cost and easy to operate. One POF cable meets all Network media requirements for the integration of audio, video and data transferring. When data is going through the POF cable, a high quality signal will be fully delivered to each information point.

Key technologies for POF system integration are owned by different companies in different countries, and none of these companies are providing an acceptable solution and offering full line of products till this moment. For smooth away the basic research and the limitation of products integration in China, ZJY has cooperated with companies in North America, Europe and Japan who owns these key technologies. ZJY is also working with professional companies from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shenzhen and Australia for materials, devices and components, and releases a new generation system for premises distribution, that is more cost-effective than copper and glass fiber system.

Recently, the leader of the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) POF system research group, Professor Wei Li (famous expert in POF system testing) had announced their testing result, that the ZJY's system is completely compliance with Fast Ethernet and IEEE 1394 Standards, it is the breakthrough for the last 100 meter connection in broadband access and All-Optical Network, which at the World's leading position in commercialization.

Special features of lightning proof and electromagnetic shield on POF, will make changes on defining shielded or non-shielded system wiring classes between coaxial cable, copper wire and glass fiber, and thus making a great impact to future construction projects of Internet, LAN, Intelligent building, security, lightning protection and FTTH.

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